At TAG Direct, our account services team have a list of non negotiables (a service bible if you will) that we live by to ensure we are continuously providing exemplary client service.
The approach ensures we are high touch, proactive and helps us better avoid those nasty client blindspots.
Here are some of our non-negotiables:
• Client Emails – TAGers respond to all emails that day. If the email requires team wide collaboration/support, the email receipt is acknowledged and we communicate that we will respond as soon as we can.
• Client Calls – we offer 2 x calls a month with our clients. This is a fantastic touchpoint for all clients and is a great way for us to discover what is happening in their world. There are many different touch points and milestones in our customer journey that are suitable for calls and our account managers decide this on a client by client basis at their own discretion.
• TAGs Customer Journey – Trusting the process is key & we continually reinforce our processes & timelines. At TAG, we have a unique customer journey that we are super proud of. It’s part of our recipe for success and we know that when followed (by clients and team), that’s when the magic happens.
• Summary Emails – A summary email is sent to client straight after any key meetings that day. The email surmises clear next steps and actionables.
• Informing clients of TAG updates and new services in a timely manner – this is very important in such a fast-paced digital landscape and ensures that we remain agile.
This list closely aligns with our TAG values (Trust, Adapt and Grow) and helps us to keep a good pulse check on all clients 🙂
In a world where so many people are looking for cheaper options or shortcuts, it makes me wonder about the human experience, especially in post COVID world.
People are wanting human interaction more than ever and there is simply no replacement for this in a service industry.